I stuck my foot in my mouth
For all my intents, I hurt anyway.
Intention is only as good
as the action that succeeds it.
I wanted to defend you,
and I tore you apart instead.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry, friend.
I owned up, I apologized,
I never meant any of it to happen.
I fixed it.
I fixed the bad I caused as quickly as I brought it on.
Please don't stay away.
For all my intents, I hurt anyway.
Intention is only as good
as the action that succeeds it.
I wanted to defend you,
and I tore you apart instead.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry, friend.
I owned up, I apologized,
I never meant any of it to happen.
I fixed it.
I fixed the bad I caused as quickly as I brought it on.
Please don't stay away.