So. I just started posting again.
(As you may have noted.)
And I've changed a lot since I last regularly wrote.
(Four months will do that to you.)
I feel like I owe an eplanation to my dear co-bloggers.
(My dear friends)
I'm not gonna be cryptic
(or particularly poetic)
with this.
Just sharing.
In April, I moved out of my mom's house to live with my dad.
(It didn't go over well)
It was kind of out of the blue and hurt more people than I anticpated.
(But it was something I had to do)
I didn't adapt very well at first
(as MIKE can attest),
but its gotten better.
I feel like I have a home now. Like I fit in with the people I live with
(my dad, his girlfriend, CHRISTINE and her daughter, DEANNA).
We have a beautiful, retarded lab-dalmation mix puppy
(she's got one brown eye and one blue eye),
named LUNA,
a sweet little gray kitty named MERLIN,
and an adorable tortoise named TIZA.
And last night my dad called me to tell me that there
would be a new addition to the family when I got home.
We got a new puppy.
A little boxer, mutt thing that we named COSMO.
(he's got one blue eye and one brown eye)
We got him from the pound and I love him.
I miss the rest of my family a lot.
I'm gonna make an effort to see them more.
I really do love them.
I haven't been to church in months.
(I feel horrible about this)
But with MARK gone, and so many new people, I hardly feel connected there any more.
(I'm gonna start back up at St. Vincent's this fall.)
Anyway. I'm different than I was. Different than the person most of you know/knew.
(But hopefully not unrecognizable...)
I'm less idealistic these days.
But more optimistic.
I no longer fight with myself for world peace every day.
(It probably will never happen.)
But I can make peace in and with my own life
and hopefully help other people do the same along the way.