And I can't even begin to feel mine.
Hello there, little one.
Can I just tell you that I'm sorry?
So very sorry.
I'm sorry that you never got to see this world,
so bright, so alive, so colorful, wonderful, fresh-air-beautiful,
and I'm sorry that the last thing you knew was
nothing but impact.
You probably were lovely.
You probably were beautiful.
You probably had your daddy's blue eyes
and your momma's fire-engine-red spirit.
Are things like "spirit" already encoded
in beings at your stage of development?
We couldn't have given you much,
and things would have gotten very dificult
in a lot of ways,
but we could have loved you.
Or at least loved you enough to make sure
you'd always be loved by someone.
We gambled,
we lost.
But we might have won, in a way.
You probably were smart.
You probably would've had great taste in music.
You probably would have had a best friend
and fantastic hair.
Big, curly, blonde hair.
And a smile that could light up a city.
We love you
even when you're not here anymore.
When worlds collided
in a cosmic crash.
And in the dark, smoky settling
of the glass and debris
you were lost.
Could I just be you tonight?