There are certain books that I could read over and over again. Some of them I know so well that I can just skip around to my favorite parts. These include:
The Giver-Lois Lowry
The Realm of Possibility-David Levithan
The Reader-Bernhard Schlink
The Outsiders-S.E. Hinton
Fight Club-Chuck Palahniuk
Wide Awake-David Levithan
A Clockwork Orange-Anthony Burgess
House of Leaves-Mark Z Danielewski
Only Revolutions-Mark Z Danielewski
Heavier Than Heaven-Charles R. Cross
The Catcher In The Rye-J.D. Salinger
Wonder Boys-Michael Chabon
Killing Yourself To Live-Chuck Klosterman
Dharma Bums-Jack Kerouac
On The Road-Jack Kerouac
Love Is A Mixtape-Rob Sheffield
Passion is a Fashion-Pat Gilbert
There are a thousand more, but those are the ones I thought of off the top of my head. And I loves them all.