The number 108 can be found countless places in and out of daily life. Hindu prayer beads, called Malas consist of 1o8 beads, certain martial arts practices teach that there are 108 pressure points on the human body and there are 108 stitches on a baseball. Perhaps holiness may be found wherever an individual chooses to look for it. Whether in prayer or in a vulnerable place on even the strongest or most flawless of bodies. Or even in the curveball of a talented young pitcher, stretching his limbs against a field of green to let fly a unreal throw that baffles batters and catches even a less-than-trained eye.
Hindu deities have 108 names.
In Tibetan Buddhism it is believed that there are 108 sins. In Japan, at the end of the year a bell is chimed 108 times to welcome the new year. Each ring represents an earthly temptation that a person must overcome to reach nirvana.
Zen priests wear juzu (a string of prayer beads) around their wrist that have 108 beads.
The sum of The Numbers in LOST (4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42) is 108. 108 is also the number of minutes within which the numbers must be entered into the computer. And the number of days Oceanic 6 spent on the island.
108 is the sum of nine adjacent numbers.
In Homer's Odyssey there were 108 suitors coveting Penelope, wife of Odysseus.
The distance between the Earth and the moon is 108 times the diameter of the moon.
The distance between the Earth and the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Sun.