I don't use...ellipses so much...
Ellipses give a feeling of...open-ended-ness,
of cliffhangers and...
lack of confidence...
But now. Now there's no estimation,
no questionmark, no...ellipses.
Using ellipses now would be like...
taking a guess when the only answer is yes.
I'm sure.
No uncertainty.
No guesswork.
No dot, dot, dot.
Our answer is yes,
I love this. And not just because (if you note my comments and messages and posts of long past compared to these days) I have also strayed from ellipses. No, I love this because its so true. And it shows. And this has been one of my most in-depth comments in a long while. Thank you. :D
i used this picture once, i love it very much. and well i don't have anything very meaningful, because mr. andepants stole what i was thinking):
Glad to see you are still at it - writing out your heart. Or is that writing your heart out? I'm not sure....(ooops got into a habit of using em I guess).
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