I'm getting a pet rat today. She's black and adorable and I'm gonna name her Zepellin. Which i think is the cutest rat name ever. Maybe I'll get her a harness and take her for walks. I'm not sure yet.
I'm currently fitting back into a pair of jeans from eighth grade. And they look better now than they did then. This event pleases me in about four different ways.
But, back to Zepellin. I'm really excited, cause for a really long time now I've wanted something to take care of all on my own, something that was completely dependent on me. And, no, boyfriends don't count. Hahaha. So I'm getting this little creature that will depend solely on me. And possibly ride around on my shoulder. I'm so okay with this.
Christmas is like two days away. Two days! I love Christmas. I love all holidays. They offer you a chance to be something you don't get to be the rest of the year. Like, at Halloween you get to feel like a kid again, dress up like someone (or something) you're not and eat a ton of candy. At Christmas you get to have your house covered in wrapping paper, your bank account exhausted and your dress size go up. All totally worth it.
My dog Cosmo is a boxer-great dane mix. He's huge. His head is twice the size of my new little pet. I hope he likes her. And doesn't eat her. Other rat owners compare the experience to that of owning a very small dog. We'll see.
zepellin is def. a fitting name for this rat ha
I can't wait to meet Zepellin! XD
fkasjdfasdf how is it two days till Christmas? this has snuck up on me.
indeed, let's hope that the dog and the rat get along... otherwise it'll be the dog's christmas present, not yours!
hope you have a good one... merry christmas
he's so freakin cute.
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