I turned nineteen two days ago. Finally. Hahah, I know one day I'll wish I didn't grow up so fast, but right now I'm loving every minute.
Annie, Mike and I went to the South Side yesterday. It was pretty much fabulous.
I got a ring for my nose piercing so I have something other than studs to wear in it. And I got my tragus pierced. Which literally hurt worse than anything I've gotten done so far, tattoo or piercing. I didn't see the needle the woman used, but Mike did and he said it was wicked looking. All huge and sharp and curved. Hearing that made me glad I didn't see it. I might have backed out. I failed to realise how thick your tragus is. I actually heard it crunch as the needle went through. Gross, but totally worth it. It doesn't hurt at all now, and it looks so amazingly cool. Especially with my new nose ring. I also got a tattoo, a couple weeks back now. It says "Let It Be" on the inside of my wrist in courier font. Basically, I feel a little like a BAMF lately. I'm finally getting to do all the cool things that I've always wanted to; shopping in Pittsburgh on a whim, getting piercings and tattoos and, even better, being able to sign for them myself. I had a lot of fun. Even if there was no birthday pie left by the time we got home.
I still can't believe those bitches ate all that pie. also, you are a bamf.
oplablya's root is the Greek Playa. or to play. the O meaning its in the Present tense and the a meaning femmanin. so oplablya means to be playing with a girl. yep. thats it. (mine is hagskis)
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