I could be the leader, the voice, the pale hands wrapped around the microphone. I'll cradle it, singing love songs with you like I really mean them. Later you'll reek of the night, beer and smoke and musty stage light all over you. My name will crash between us like a plane shot out of the sky and I'll say something that tastes like "please." You and I will arrive at sunset and not leave until dawn, as though darkness itself were only a myth, disproved by modernity.
England is 5 hours...so you're either in California...orr....the Atlantic Ocean.
I used to agree with never second guessing. I still do, I suppose; there's just a lack of following through with my beliefs. Perhaps that's a realization of a general lifestyle rut I've found myself in. It's funny, now that I have no classes and all the time in the world, I have no time. Perhaps it's because I have a one track mind, which for now, is consumed with Russian, but when I worked at the music library, some of my best writing came from my time on the job. But now working in a similar environment; nothing. Lots of factors, I suppose...but suddenly, I'm floating by.
this is good. thanks for sharing!
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