I've been given an award! Yay! Plural yay! Yays! 'Twas bestowed upon me by one healingstones of Stoneweaver; a blog that really caught my eye, where different types of stones and things of that nature are talked about. (I'm really not doing the blog justice-you should check it out yourself). She also makes some pretty incredible jewelry out of the materials that she talks about and writes a mean haiku. So here's to you, healingstones.
So here's the deal. The award has to be passed on to other people. But here are the rules first:
* Mention the blog that gave it to you and comment on their blog to let them know you have posted your award.
* Share 6 values that are important to you and 6 things you do not support. Grant the prize to 6 people.
1. Loyalty
2. Creation
3. Joy
4. Originality
5. Relationships-of all sorts; family, friends, partners, anyone I've built a relationship with in my life
6. Sincerity
1. intolerance
2. hate
3. betrayal
4. vanity
5. negative outlooks
6. indifference
Okay. Six people that I think should recieve this award. This should be sufficiently difficult. But I'll do my best. In no particular order:
1. Calm Before Every Storm
2. Throwing Chairs
3. Red Eyes
4. 100 Acorns
5. Amazed By Grace
6. Creations of Christ
All of them are utilizing their blogs in their own way; expressing themselves through poetry, photographs, their beliefs and their opinions. Each deserve the award for the creativity they've poured into their respective blogs. Check them out!
yay! congratulations! if there is one thing you deserve, its awards :D
walls of them.
HALLS of them.
i will now go to check out that blog you mentioned...in search of mean haikus...
but i dont agree with number two on your list of blogs deserving the award. that kid is dumb and just blogs about his brain. no one cares.
Double blush! Thanks for plugging my blog! Ande will be disappointed as I only post the occasional haiku on other people's blogs - (!) What a let down. Sorry ;o)
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