i'm so
calm my shaking hands, be still, my heart.
my spastic, ADD inflicted cardio-treasure,
you're gonna have a nervous breakdown
if you keep going at this rate.
so breathe, just breathe,
the merry-go-round's not going as quickly as you think it is;
the music's not so loud.
be quiet.
do you hear it?
i love this :)
okay! i have some books for you too :)
sotto voce
i'm sorry love. you coulnd't find me, cuz i had GOAL in the jr. high today :(
but i'll be in the senior high tomorrow, so come find me!
because its an EXperiment of perception...i wanna know precisely what goes through your senses when you read that
less is more
ps. sotto voce is one of my most favorite devices
Interesting composition - as ever. Come see my latest blog post as there is something there that might interest you (!)
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