Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck you all.


Blaine said...

glad someone else wants him to drop dead too.

p.s.word verification was and i quote "nagger"

Эндий said...

i reluctantly admit i haven't read this whole post yet, but give me a break i'm in chicago. i will, but later!
in any case, i love just. and i needed to tell you that.
and i miss saying radiohead with you in a horribly exaggerated british accent.
the end.

Эндий said...

Pt. II:
This is relatable.

Эндий said...

im sorry for taking so long to reply, its a fit of scheduling i've had to wrestle with. i'm a victim (perpetrator) of that too, and i'm sorry for that. my favorite thing in the world might vary from day to day, but today it is the movies. in general. a place to escape the vicissitudes of life, a never-changing series of pictures displaying the greatest combination of the fine arts ever conceived: writing, acting, architecture, technology, on and on. that's my favorite thing in the world, today.
