am i real?
or am i just ruled by the unreal?
what makes something real?
if tangibility is what makes something real then you and i are not real (at least to each other). which is silly because you currently are more real to me than my sister sitting in the next room blaring the jonas brothers. and love is not real, except perhaps when you're with the person you love, acutally loving them. and then is God real? are all those things real just because i believe in them? if something is real just because someone believes in it then that means santa is real and unicorns and dragons and scientology and garden gnomes are all real. or does believing just make a thing real to that one person? in which case everyone has their own reality and each reality is just as real as the next person's reality. my reality and your reality are equally real, even though they could be completely different. in which case you are real in the eyes of a hundred different people: you are a hundred different you's and i am a hundred different me's. if one of those people dies, their view of you (that reality of you) dies with them because no one sees you exactly like they do. a little piece of the reality that is you is gone.
more on this later, maybe.
wow. i like it, i believe u and ande were talking bout this in a comment of one of yours that i recently read. love the topic tho!
and the blog below this one makes me uber happy. like UBER happy. teehee
you rock my life, tammi!
this girl
where do u get yer lovely pics that u use?
and in a selfish sense, maybe thats why we cry when someone dies. not for them, but for the piece of you that died with them.
in reference: i just erased a very long argument over the difference between death and nonexistance, but i dont think it ended up with relevance.
i like doozsy!
and yes, scientology is much more absurd than buddhism :p
crazy actors.
Refreshing will do; I like that =) "Fresh" is a fun word to say. Fresssh...*ahem*, yeah.
I think you're right about the whole 'babbling = real' thing; everything comes straight from one's heart or head and on to paper without having to think about whether or not you're gaining the reaction you want.
I like this post. It's really fun to see how other people's minds work - their logic, as it were. *nods* Interesting stuff.
In other news; hurray for word a day! I can't wait 'till the next one. I recently realised that you live in America, and therefore there's a time difference, which explains a lot about the times you post stuff =).
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