nobody bothers a vampire at four in the morning.
i'm not a vampire
but some people are just so darn easy
to fool.
silly fools.
when life gives you lemons
see if you can trade them in
for a watermelon
or a bunch of grapes
like fruit currency.
or something.
green legs and a leopard print body-
get stares
get smiles
get nods
get laughs
why should i care?
i don't.
that's convenient, i spose.
everything's so convenient anymore.
where's the challenge?
maybe michael stipe knows.
well im glad then.
i wanna be wanna be wanna be jim morrison.
...thom yorke said that. but i do too. so i wish i had said it, but thom always says things much better than i could. like jim did. michael stipe too.
i wanna be all of them.
its okay to be morbid. :)
Michael Stipe knows everything. he is wise in his jerky bald way. I'd rather be Thom Yorke than Jim Morrison.
rah! yes. and we will listen to radiohead all weekend :) with a british accent...
can you listen to music with a british accent. hmmm...
lets speak in a british accent ALL WEEKEND LONG.
i need to talk to you, youth tomorrow i'm hoping. my heads going crazy && it's more than i can puke out into words. it hurts. i need to vent.
i would be thom yorke. but i would rather be jim morrison. if i could be anybody in this world, it would be jim morrison.
by the way. uapje. thats a good one.
in response to guitargirl:
d make a blog so i can comment you. i feel really stupid commenting myself. lulz. i think i'd rather be thom yorke than jim morrison as well. my reasoning for that is in my comment on ande's blog, to which there are links in pretty much all my comments. check it out-he's amazing. anyshoe. later mama.
janis joplin = good voice but not pretty :p
you should be patti smith. she's prettier.
though i could see you being kurt cobain and janis joplin's baby.
when i saw "knew" i forgot the k. but i think a new kid would be named that. besides...dont all kids names change from weird to normal once you find out they arent zombies?
i got another good one though. aeqap.
reminds me of agape. or aesop. oh, aesop told wonderful stories, didnt he?
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