stripes clash with my hair. what doesn't clash with your hair? it's a good point. there's little that coincides peacefully with cinnaberry. but mostly stripes. especially big blue and white ones. doodling in a notebook. questioning look. resigned sigh. nod head. cook the pasta. meditate, why don't you? take a step. then another. moving forward, even when i hit rewind. you have to work. don't we all? no, we don't. we should. we definitely shouldn't. breathe in. breathe out. another day. it all dwells in the back of my head. just another day. but this one ends with a smile.
well dear, it's a word now. haha
&& i have the tights the person in this picture is wearing. maybe it's me in the picture(;
the blue and white are a pattern. i see a dragon. maybe more.
zcgise (also blue)
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