Friday, December 19, 2008

There Are Worse Things I Could Do Than Screw Up an Audition or Two...

I failed. Epically. I tanked the first audition and, for one reason or another I was given a second chance at it. And I failed even worse at the callbacks. The thing is, I don't get nervous. Not bad nervous. I learned a long time ago to channel nervous energy into excitement. And I couldn't do it last night. I couldn't do it and I got sent home. It's not even that I wanted a part in the show that badly. I did, but that's not what I'm really upset about. What upsets me the most is that because this is the only time these people have ever heard me sing, that's what they think I sound like. And these are people I respect and I know they respect me as an actor and a person, but I need them to respect me as a singer. Because I'm a singer waaaaay before I'm an actor. Heck, I'm a singer way before I'm a person half the time. And I can sing. I'm not being vain, I'm not bragging. I'm being truthful. I sing like a big black woman. And the directors of the show (the people whose respect I crave so badly) will never know that because they've only ever heard me completely blow two auditions. It's incredibly frustrating.

1 comment:

Эндий said...

you CAN sing. and im sorry you blew auditions. who needs them anyway?