You can call now if you want/can.
Can we text? I'm at home.
I feel bad like we may have just ruined our friendship.
I hope not. I know this isn't a big deal in the big picture.
I just wanna know that we're okay.
Yeah, I guess. I mean.
We were stupid and all
but it stopped early so,
I agree. And I truly appreciate your
friendship and company.
I know that we can be
smarter going forward,
maintaining boundaries.
I feel like any notion of this being spoken to
anyone could ruin both of our lives.
Yeah, don't tell anyone.
Even if there was chemistry this
couldn't happen and we both know it.
I'm not a slut or something.
I've never thought that and I don't think that.
And I'm not like that either.
I won't tell and I hope you won't either
because it would ruin my marriage, job
and devastate my kids.
Ugh. I'm sorry.
Good =) I'm thinking we should
delete this text convo.
If I ask you a question will you
give me an honest answer?
Yes. What do you want to ask?
How far would things have gone
had I not stopped them?
I don't think it would've gone any further.
I didn't have a plan, per se.
But I could've gotten caught up in it pretty easily.
I don't know. It just happened.
I'd like for you to answer the same question
I would like to hear your opinion.
Well, I stopped the whole thing,
so obviously that's all the
farther I would have gone, right?
Sorry. I didn't think of it like that.
But I can assure you that it wasn't premeditated.
It just happened.
That's what leads me to believe that it would've
stopped there regardless.
May I know what made you ask?
I dunno. Just overanalyzing, I guess.
I mean, you didn't tell her that you were with me
and you were going to make me hide from her.
I felt like a dirty mistress or something.
I panicked in the moment,
that's why I asked you to go upstairs.
She wasn't upset that you were there.
She didn't know you were there
because we hadn't spoken prior to your coming.
I'm truly sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen.
And I didn't mean to make you feel that way.
It was all a big accident.
Have your feelings about it changed since last night?
Mine haven't. I just grieve any
damage done to our frendship.
Please answer me.
Not really, I've just been thinking about it a lot
and the more I think about it the more
confused I get.
I understand. I'm sorry.
I have no explanation for any of this to assist you.
It happened and then I freaked.
There's no meaning or insight into any of it.
What followed it was a product of the
freaking out.
Hey I feel like this should all be
deleted as well.
Do you agree?
I'm sorry. I feel like a total failure.
Please forgive me.
No it's fine- I'll erase it, don't worry.
I dunno.
Do we need to talk about this more or
just forget it?
I don't need to talk about it.
But I will if you feel it's necessary.
Do you?
Nah, I'm good.
So where does this leave us?
Great friends with a better
understanding of each other.
Agree or disagree?
Yeah, sure.