Friday, January 28, 2011

This Isn't Very Nice, but neither was she


4 comments: said...

we have to remember this saying in eveyday ife "two wrongs dont make a right" maybe you should talk it over with her. maybe she doesnt know shes making you feel this way, she probably just thought of youas a great listener so always confided in you. think things throuhgh before you pass judgement.

Sam said...

thanks for the comment and the sweet advice, but honestly its a lost cause. i did this for a year and a half with her trying to communicate and figure things out in a healthy way. she just turned out to be a person that i'm better off walking away from said...

well im glad you gave it a try and did not completely give up on her until you truly knew. takes a lot for a person to lay down their pride like that. great job!

Yellow Bird said...

Sam I totally feel this piece...I experienced something similar and yes it was easier to walk away and not have that conversation..and it is awkward when we do have brief encounters but I am ok with that now...thanks for sharing....