Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I'm Feeling Near As Faded As My Jeans

There are certain books that I could read over and over again. Some of them I know so well that I can just skip around to my favorite parts. These include:

The Giver-Lois Lowry

The Realm of Possibility-David Levithan

The Reader-Bernhard Schlink

The Outsiders-S.E. Hinton

Fight Club-Chuck Palahniuk

Wide Awake-David Levithan

A Clockwork Orange-Anthony Burgess

House of Leaves-Mark Z Danielewski

Only Revolutions-Mark Z Danielewski

Heavier Than Heaven-Charles R. Cross

The Catcher In The Rye-J.D. Salinger

Wonder Boys-Michael Chabon

Killing Yourself To Live-Chuck Klosterman

Dharma Bums-Jack Kerouac

On The Road-Jack Kerouac

Love Is A Mixtape-Rob Sheffield
Passion is a Fashion-Pat Gilbert

There are a thousand more, but those are the ones I thought of off the top of my head. And I loves them all.


Эндий said...

i've been wanting to read On the Road for years. YEARS. i've picked it up over 100 times in various stores. something else always comes first though. usually bills.

Эндий said...

and also: thank you for coloring MZDs books. that made me infinitely happy. I dream about the day he announces a new one.

captain badger said...

yes to just about all of these that I've read. yesssss Wonder Boys askdjfaskdfjasdf MICHAEL CHABON HOW ARE YOU EVEN LIKE THIS.

I'm in a constant state of rereading either Love is a Mixtape or Killing Yourself to Live. it's a wonderful way to be.

my word verification thing is "bactiele." it reminds me of the Bastille, but with..bacteria?