i can't be wonderfully made without fear. i can't be fearfully made without wonder. when i awake (I AM) still with you. i don't want to know about you, i want to know you. i don't want to love you, i want to fall in love with you. first love: talking on the phone for hours--not even talking; just listening to the sound of each other breathing, teased by friends, it all seems so silly but it's not, it's the best thing that's ever happened to you. that's what i want with you. i want to be so enamoured with you that my friends don't understand it. they think it's silly and they tease me about it, but you're the most real thing i've ever experienced. i want to listen to you breathe for hours at a time, i want to know what you're going to say before you've said it. that's how well i want to know you. you are the Alpha and Omega and everything in between. your hands are strong enough to bear the universe and gentle, careful enough to knit together my inmost being, knot by knot. you never change but your grace is new every morning. no man can look upon your face and live, but we are invited to draw near to you. and draw near to you i shall. i will no longer be content to sit safely on the cliff as your hand covers me so that i may glimpse your back. i will be the fool who dares run toward you, who dares to gaze upon you, because i know it will be worth it, just to see your face. the disciples were martyred and imprisoned all for three years of time with you, yet i would die for just a moment, just a touch, just a word. that is how beautiful you are. you are far more than worth dying for; you're worth living for.
not so much. i was relaying a conversation 2 people in my head were having. there's two of them residing in my head this week. Yvette and Ronaldo.
I like this, especially first and last lines.
that sounds superb(:
can we get together on this longgggg weekend? perhaps another sleepover or such!
I have put you down as the girl with the wings
mas o menos, during a pleasant discussion involving our favorite punctuation marks, PM graciously chimed in with a little grammar joke involving a semicolon. she was a tramp. EMONAP!!!
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