Thursday, November 20, 2008

WIthout Saying

There are good reasons, there are bad reasons-but most of all, there are too many reasons. They cloud, they crush, they decieve. They are too much and never enough.

There is an avoidance in everything. Avoidance, and invention. Ramona rings Milo's doorbell. William watches Ramona as she mentions the still point of morning, Ramona rings the doorbell again. WIlliam invents Ramona. Ramona invents Milo. They are all invented.

And are not invented. Who do you invent? It goes unspoken.

To love--to fall--is not a question.

To touch--to kiss--to speak--these are questions.

There is nothing worse than a ruined friendship. There is nothing better than a companion. Somewhere in between lies risk.

Somewhere in between, lies.


Эндий said...

these three...these last three...are why i crave more of your words. exactly why, in fact... but that is details.

one too many e's

go read my comment on kayla's latest. i need help pinpointing something or maybe im crazy. probably the latter. i wouldnt mind

planned confusion said...

you amaze me.

dicantar. spanish?

planned confusion said...

i'm not too kind at all, if ande hadn't said it first i woulda. read his comment on this and imagine it coming out of my mouth :p
and i'll take that spanish(:


planned confusion said...

positive or negative "wow"?

<3 matre.!

Эндий said...

hahah oh what? oh can mean a lot of things, depending on context, and even without context, it has a slew of definitions.
