nervous:scared:anxious:so so so so so happy:so so so so so terrified:confused:missing you:waiting:tired:unsure:baffled:taken aback:making playlists:speechless:unable to shut up:grinning from ear to ear:lost in thought:annoying my friends:torn up:conflicted:wishing the best:wishing the worst:wondering:
thoughts are racing:heart is pounding:hands are cold:face is flushed:words are rushed:priorities are set to shuffle:nervous habits are kicking into full gear:nails are bit as far down as they'll go without actually injuring myself:interests are shifting:notebook is filling up:writing hand is cramping up, so i'm typing instead:
doesn't matter either way:matters more than anything:scares the crap out of me:makes me want to dance:makes me want to cry:is indescribable:needs described:has had me shaking for days:has had me more content than i've ever been:is wonderful:is strange:is awkward:is perfect:
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