Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sometimes Two Such Somebodies

stop time.
stay in the moment.
don't speakdon't movedon't worrydon't wonderdon't think.
just be.
just be with me.


planned confusion said...

i have a picture of this picture. this artist is faboo(;

i want to hear the news of you know what that was causing all that nervous energy.

menings. yes, menings<3

planned confusion said...

oh, and i totally wanna punch the dude who commented my newest blog, because it made me angry.
he knows nothing about me. RAWR!


Эндий said...

im an unbelievable fan of this picture. drabbles make me smile as well. especially when they happen by accident which is the only way, it seems, i can write one. though i always count my words...just in case
