Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Moderate Information

crank up the music

to block out all the creaking of the bus.

the thing's gonna fall apart

one of these days

hopefully (probably) we'll all be

too sleepy

to even notice

as we all go down in flames.

it seems we're all going down in flames


but most of us are




to notice.

or maybe our music's so loud

that we can't hear what's going on.

take your pick.

take your risk.


Эндий said...

i pick music. i would rather be oblivious by music than by tiredness...but then, ive never been a huge fan of sleep anyway.


planned confusion said...

i love you dear(:
you're head is my new home. i will switch between yours and mind. i think yours can be my summer home, it makes me feel warm.

yes we both talked about 3 am. makes sense. best part of my day.


rqhtstbz. rght st bz. right street buzz. sounds like a jazz song to me