i don't want it to change i don't want it to change i don't want it to change. i know change is a part of life, but not everything has to change and not so completely, does it? i don't want it to change. do you? cause i can't help but think that maybe you do. what happened to forever? what happened to soulmates? (and what kind of world is it when even soul mates are falling apart? not one i'd put my faith in. not that i had much faith in it anyway...) what happened? WHAT. HAPPENED. breathe, i'm breathing, i'm breathing, i'm breathing, i'm not breathing, i'm suffocating, asphyxiated by my own anxiety, drowned by my personal panic. that's poetic. that's pathetic. what now, jonathan larson??? where are your lifting melodies and inspiring words now??? you've failed us nearly as horribly as we've failed ourselves. i never said you know everything. i don't expect perfection. though sometimes i resent it. i'm too much of a bad kid to be with a good kid like you. i've known it all along; i just hoped that maybe you wouldn't notice till it was too late-till you couldn't leave. but apparently you have noticed (just like i just asked you to, huh? isn't it ironic?) and you're leaving, you're leaving, you're leaving. WHAT HAPPENED? i don't understand. i want to know. i want to know every step so i can undo it all. i want to know. i want to be aware. you are aware. you're more aware than i've ever been. i know that. i just needed a decent ending, that's all. i don't understand. why is it so easy for you to accept this? broke the cycle just to be broken ourselves a little later? really? what about forever?
what about forever?
wow. that was crazy great. and i imagined u screaming that across a coffee house table at me one day, while we were sitting on a cloud sipping chai tea out of bugle horns. :)
ur a lovely love.
johnathan larson makes me wanna stand up, dance on tables all night, and die in the arms of someone i truly love. with no shame, no fears, and only one care-living.
<3always: K
You're going to have to stop being good at what you do if you don't want compliments.
I like the fact that your stuff is very personal and emotional. I frequently try and distance myself more from my writing; I'm scared of falling into the "emo" trap. Luckily, yours isn't like that - it's just thoughtful and meaningful, and it makes me want to know more about your life and the background to your poetry.
In terms of my poetry, there's a poem called "Swing Me To Sunshine" in one of my early posts on this blog, and I'm planning to post more - so keep an eye out!
Once again, thanks for being my sole reader! =D
PS. Word a day would be *awesome*.
ill have your weekends and eat it too.
i do better with a structure too, but i prefer to have a lack thereof. i like being free to do whatever, even if it never happens. i CAN.
we'll share hugs though.
tree frog. good idea. great idea. can we have a tree too?
shwidyk. thats just dirty.
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