Monday, September 8, 2008

Curl Up and Count Down

dress up

to fall down

don't rip your tights

or scuff your shoes

on the way.

be careful of that heart of yours

it has enough attachments

to be a swiss army knife.

a swiss army heart?

don't get too close to it, you say

you might get hurt, you warn

i don't mind

but i'm not surprised to find that you do
(i'm so surprised)

and the safety scissors

sever the heart strings

whether i want them to or not.

didn't even know they were sharp enough to do that.

but they can,

so why can't we?

cause we're not them, even if they all

think we are.

we never will be.


planned confusion said...

i draw swiss army hearts like it's my job!!!

i was not mocking faboo at all. i love faboo.


i'm crying. but they aren't happy or sad tears. it feels so good to cry today. they're coming with the question "why?" i saw a picture. i love the person, but never met them. you've heard it before. can you guess?

Noah Zacharuk said...

The writer in me applauds you for your creativity and the amount of emotion you put into your work, which I enjoy reading.

But the Grammarista in me wants to point out that you spelled strings wrong.

Noah Zacharuk said...

Hah! I love the smell of acrylic paint! Or maybe it's just that I'm so used to it that it doesn't bug me anymore...

Anyway, ignore what I said. Spelling and grammar really isn't a vital component of poetry anyway... It's all about the flow and feeling of the words. No one should fault you for it. If there's anything I should know, it's write what you love, and if anyone has a problem with it, then forget them.

And yeah... my blog is just news and commentary, not to mention nerdy as all hell. Pretty bland. I wouldn't recommend reading it. But keep up what you have going here! It's good, and I like reading other people's poetry (not being much of a poet myself).

Эндий said...

i try to avoid using safety scissors, myself.