Monday, September 1, 2008

Parenthetical Asides

it's like a three day cycle

where yesterday's yesterday

is tomorrow's today

(it makes sense; ponder it for a moment)

and all that jazz

isn't all that jazzy anymore

but if it's a fool's hope

then i'm a fool

(then again, who isn't these days?)

i'm bought off with a kiss (once more)

and have read somewhere (again and again)

that dead cacti always make the best pets

that's what she tells me, anyway

(but i digress)

we can live through our lies

or lie through our pain

we can lie through our lives

or live through our pain

(which suits you best i wonder)

i'll probably never really know

because, in the end,

life is really nothing more than a

(parenthetical aside)


Anonymous said...

I like your site. Interesting words AND pictures. Here's a haiku for you:

Song is the laughter
of the Goddess and laughter
her favourite song

Anonymous said...

I like your words. as much as I like parenthetical asides. which is a lot.

Sam said...

thank you, dear. =D that makes me happy. you actually inspired this one cause i'm pretty sure you have parenthetical asides in your interests on lj, don't you? and i was writing this when i remembered that and it all came together.