how do you keep your eyes on the goal when they're full of tears?
well, dear, pain is the fuel of passion,
after all.
calling me a prodigal
would be the understatement of the century.
alone or not you have to walk on ahead.
if we're all alone at least we're all alone
my business is to create.
that's it.
doesn't even matter what i do
as long as i can create something.
you know what i mean,
living in my head as you do.
so create we will.
sing brightly.
draw loudly.
play boldly.
sculpt beautifully.
it's all an audio tribute
to incongruity.
and superfluous
brought to fruition.
la vie boheme;
you know.
Born like sisters to this world
In a town where blood ties are only blood
If you never say your name out loud to anyone
They can never ever call you by it
are you learning to fly like pink floyd? or like the foo fighters? or like tom petty?
i prefer to fly like floyd.
i LOVE the picture with this.
and i love listening to your words.
reading. well...listening and reading is the same to me...
and thanks for liking those things :)
SLOZSN DOWN! the speed limit is 25!
this makes me very happy darling(:
gir. qf.
i'm wearing a shirt with gir on it today!
Fly high like a Butterfly to the light dancing in the glim. Some say love is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it eludes you.
btw: But I really wish I could fly, not as a kite, but as a seagull. I love seagulls not that its relevant to this post or perhaps it is! Hope you can stop on my blog sometime. Take care and Ill visit again.
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